Killer Trans inmate who identifies as a baby fears murder in men’s jail

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Transgender killer Sophie Eastwood — who now identifies as a baby — fears she would be murdered by fellow jailbirds if she’s moved to a men’s prison.

The Scottish lag was jailed at 18 for dangerous driving and one month before the end of her sentence, she strangled to death cellmate Paul Algie, 22, using shoelaces.

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Now 38, Eastwood began transitioning in 2017 and is being held at Scotland’s only female prison.

But it only takes one bad apple. Convicted trans rapist Isla Bryson attacked two women while living as a man and the furor torpedoed First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s career.

Now, the Scottish Prison Service has said it is reviewing trans prisoner cases to determine if they belong in a women’s jail.

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For Sophie Eastwood, she told the Daily Record that before being moved to the women’s prison she was “threatened” by male convicts.

“The main threat was that I would suffer serious sexual violence. It was a relief to be moved to the female estate where I have felt safe, and I’ve gained the trust of fellow prisoners,” Eastwood told the Record.

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“I think Scottish Prison Service staff manage trans ­prisoners well, but it would be impossible for me to feel safe in a male prison. I have no history of gender violence. But the recent outcry has led to the SPS having to review every transgender person in custody.

The Daily Record broke the news about trans killer Sophie Eastwood’s bizarre self-identification as a baby. Photo by DAILY RECORD /MIRROR GROUP

“I believe I’m in the right place and don’t think I could survive in the male estate.”

The problem for the Scottish government was giving the green light — then taking a U-turn — on locking up rapist Isla Bryson with women. She has been moved to a male prison.

For her part, Eastwood charges that Bryson “exploited the system” and made “genuine trans prisoners less safe.”

“It’s really ­unfortunate because the public’s view of trans people generally has now been damaged, but not by the behaviour of any trans person,” Eastwood added.

But Eastwood’s antics have also raised some eyebrows.

Following her pronouncement that she was a baby last year, the convicted killer demanded that guards hold her hand, change her diapers and feed her baby food.


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