Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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A lot like dad

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It’s fascinating watching Justin Trudeau’s career implode. If you’ve been around long enough, you’ll realize it’s not too dissimilar to that of his father’s. As that acclaimed philosopher Yogi Berra said, “It’s like déjà vu all over again.”

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The elder Trudeau (younger at the time) became leader when it could best be described as a role more suited for senior citizens. He had the hair — well, a comb-over — the latest style in clothes and a “what, me care?” attitude. Notwithstanding the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, it could be argued Trudeau’s record of legislative changes is meagre at best.

At the end, he walked away as opposed to a humiliating defeat. I refer back to Yogi’s statement, “It’s like déjà vu all over again.” The only difference is Trudeau the younger is too vain to walk away.

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Mike Perreault

(Like father like son, generations of leadership ignoring the West.)

Would buy a lot of hospitals

Re: GOLDBERG: When politicians gamble, taxpayers lose, online, May 1

Jay Goldberg wrote that the $57 billion promised to the electric vehicle sector would, according to a government estimate, create 1,000 jobs and that this $57 billion would be enough to build 57 new hospitals.

This leads one to wonder how many new jobs would be created by staffing 57 new hospitals? Even if taking into account that some of these new hospitals are built to replace existing infrastructure, and, with the recruitment of more doctors and nurses, there’s little doubt that our dismal health-care system would be vastly improved.

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Mike Shurtliff

(Health care needs a lot of help these days.)

Spineless partisanship

Speaker of the House Greg Fergus once again displayed his spineless, wacko Liberal partisanship when he kicked the leader of the Opposition out of the House for using the word “wacko” (fitting); yet that other person can call someone “spineless.”

If anyone should be admonished, it is Fergus for his spineless, wacko actions. Furthermore, if he had a spine, he would resign for his dismal partisan performance while occupying the Speaker’s chair. Liberal disgrace!

Len Jarvis

(Not the only disgrace in that room.)

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