Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for January 3, 2024

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Newly minted idea

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Re Justin Trudeau’s legacy. May I suggest the minting of a new $100 coin? On the head side, an engraving of Justin, of course, perhaps the one in that oh-so-fetching turban. On the tail side, a prominent middle finger superimposed on a sunset over the Prairies. By 2025, it will be redeemable for 15 minutes of airport parking.

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Curt Giene

(We’re thinking slugs, like those people used to plunk into vending machines)

Pass the remote

Re “CBC to be revamped” (The Canadian Press, Dec. 30): Apparently, to hedge against a possible change in government (let’s hope so!), Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge said that the role of the CBC should be redefined before the next federal election. Well, as far as I’m concerned, the only thing that will save the CBC is for the great Canadian commentator and author Rex Murphy to return to CBC, in both television and radio, so he can express his views 24/7. Other than that, I think I’ll pass on the CBC.

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David Honigsberg

(Time to change the channel)

Immigrant flood will backfire

Brian Lilley’s column about the massive influx of immigrants this year shows just how far removed from reality the federal government is. Bringing in that many immigrants to shore up the Liberal vote is going to backfire, as now the immigrants and Canadians are realizing there is no housing for them. I would like to know, though, just how many of these immigrants are Afghan interpreters. They are the people who should have been brought in, as they helped our troops, and we have not heard anything about getting them here in a very long time. There certainly have been Afghan immigrants brought to Canada, but disgracefully not many interpreters; there are still thousands in hiding. Shame on the government for abandoning them.

Brian Clark

(Afghan interpreters deserve our help.)

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