Calgary Sun letters to the editor for Jan. 27, 2024

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Valley of fiscal restraint

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May I suggest a short bus trip to Diamond Valley town hall for Calgary’s councillors. Diamond Valley council have kept their residential tax increase at 0%. As a group known for embracing re-education, maybe our council could learn a thing or two there about restraint.

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J.M. Adair

(They sure could.)

City takes my cookies

The city’s cookie jar is always empty and they take my cookies because of constant foolish spending. I ran out of cookies a few years ago and I had to make a loan to buy more cookies. Now instead of taking some of my cookies this year they took all the cookies I had left. I am very tired of cookies, but they are a lot better than no cookies at all. Where are the brains that are supposed to be looking after us? The end is near.

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John Alfred

(Foolish spending is a recipe for disaster.)

Bag bylaw blunder

The city’s new bag bylaw is the single stupidest thing I have ever seen. Typical of this group of politicians, it also took this long to address the climate change emergency declared as the mayor’s first act. I can’t believe they pull a salary, never mind a raise. Calgarians, take your business to Airdrie. They have bags AND straws!

Ray Stevenson

(This bylaw is leaving a bitter taste.)

Over-the-top increases

Since this mayor took power she has approved 14 percent in property tax increases over two years. This is made worse by property taxes also going up due to homes gaining in value. This mayor and council need to understand the real world of residents struggling to pay their bills and stay in their homes. This madness needs to stop! This mayor and council make one bad decision after another; no wonder they are the least popular mayor and council in Canada.

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Brad Lake

(A reality check would help.)

Inspired or Insipid?

It was clearly time to rally the troops. At the Liberal caucus retreat prior to the winter sitting of Parliament, the prime minister gave an impassioned speech to his beleaguered MPs, as the party’s polling numbers hit historic lows. In another astute analysis on the state of the nation, he declared that “The economy is not numbers, the economy is people.” Liberal members and supporters that were inspired by some of the PM’s other insightful revelations such as, his government will grow the economy from “the heart outwards,” and “I don’t think about monetary policy. You’ll understand that I think about families,” were truly reinvigorated. Most others, however, know they are soon going down with the ship.

Al Willey

(That’s what the polls indicate.)

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